Chaste Tree

Chaste tree with purple flowers
Chaste tree with purple flowers

Zones: 6 – 10

Height: 25′ to 30′

Width: 15′ to 25′

Light: Sun

My next backyard tree is the Chaste tree. It has beautiful purple flowers, that almost look like lilacs but it blooms in the summer. I find if I cut the flowers off when they are finished, I can get it to bloom again a second time.

Chaste tree provides shade for a bench
Chaste tree provides shade for a bench

I have this one planted beside my patio and it provides the perfect amount of shade for a bench.

I do have to “limb it up” occasionally (in other words, cut off branches that are growing to close to the ground). Otherwise, it has a tendency to become a very large shrub instead of a tree.