Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus)

Hibiscus syriacus
Hibiscus syriacus

Zone: 5 to 9

Full Sun

Height: 8′ to 12′

Rose of Sharon is a deciduous flowering shrub that blooms from late summer into fall.

It grows well in the heat and is fairly drought tolerant, both of which are requirements for my garden.

Depending on the variety, the flowers can be double blooms* (like the one above) or single blooms (like the one below).

Hibiscus 'Bluebird'
Hibiscus ‘Bluebird’

They blooms are generally in shades of pink, red, purple and white.

Hibiscus syriacus ‘Bluebird’* is almost blue…since that’s my favorite color, I had to have one in my garden.

Another one of my favorite varieties is Hibiscus syriacus ‘Sugar Tip’. It has beautiful variegated leaves, pretty pink flowers and is covered in blooms for about 2 months!

This post was originally published on July 12, 2020 but was updated with new content on June 18, 2022.