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Zones: 5 to 10
Light: Shade to Part Shade
Bloom Time: Late Winter to Early Spring
Height: 3′ to 5′
Spread: 3′ to 5′

Daphne is a compact, shade-loving, deer-resistant shrub with very fragrant pink or white blooms.

Most varieties have evergreen leaves and produce flowers in late winter or early spring.

Daphne with variegated leaves

Some even have variegated leaves, which provides a little more interest when they aren’t blooming.

It can be a little tricky to get started. But keeping the plant well-watered, applying a generous layer of mulch in the spring, and pruning out the old wood once a year will help keep it alive and well.

And once it is established, Daphne is a very low maintenance bush.

Click HERE to find out more about Daphne. 

Buy Daphne HERE.*

This post was originally published on June 21, 2020 but was updated with new content on December 8, 2021.

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