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Zones: 6 to 11
Light: Shade to Part Shade
Bloom Time: Late spring to early fall
Height: 2′ to 8′ (depending on the variety)
Spread: 4′ to 5′

Gardenia is a small to medium-sized evergreen shrub with beautiful white flowers that fill the air with their perfume in late spring or early summer.

And with their glossy, evergreen leaves, they even look good in the winter!

They like humid weather (which is perfect for the South) but don’t do well with cold winters, so you may have to grow them in pots and bring them in if you live further North.

Gardenia 'August Beauty'
Gardenia ‘August Beauty’

To make the most of their fragrance, I like to plant them close to the door and walkway.

That way anytime I leave the house, I walk right by them and can’t help but smell their perfume.

Learn more about them HERE.

This post was originally published on June 24, 2020 but was updated with new content on December 8, 2021.

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