

Zones: 3 – 8

Shade or Part Shade

I’m not sure why I’ve never grown Pulmonaria before, but I haven’t. I bought my first one at a plant sale last year. It was one of those clearance rack sales, they only had one plant, and it didn’t have a variety label. But it had such beautiful variegated leaves, I bought it anyway.

Now all I have to do is figure out the name of it, and find a couple more of them!

I was actually quite happy with the leaves on their own. However, now it is blooming, and I am extra glad that I got it…the blooms start out as a purple color and then turn pink. So you end up with multi-colored flowers that really stand out against the white leaves.

This post was originally published on June 21, 2020 but was updated with new content on June 18, 2022.