Home Office Layout Ideas

Last Updated: January 25, 2024

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If you are working from home but finding that your current set-up isn’t quite right, it might be time for a change. Check out these home office layouts to get inspired and create the perfect space for you!

home office floor plans

It’s the end of week 2 for my home office makeover.

After creating a list of office inspiration pictures last week, this week was all about coming up with the design.

blue and white home office mood board

I started with the mood board.

Then moved on to design an office layout.

Which is where I ran into a bit of a problem.

I just can’t decide which one of these furniture arrangements I want to use.

So I’m making a list and leaving the decision for later 🙂

empty room diagram with window, door and closet

For reference, here are my office dimensions. It’s about 11′ 3″ wide and 11′ 10″ long.


If you want office layouts for a smaller space, you might want to check out our small home office layouts.

1 | Desk in front of the window

home office floor plan with the desk facing into the room and a window and two bookshelves behind it

This furniture arrangement is a very traditional layout.

It has the desk in front of the window but facing into the room. Behind it, the sit-stand computer desk is facing the window.

This way I can work either facing the window or facing into the room, depending on what I’m doing.

Adding the gold shelves on either side of the sit-stand desk reinforces that this wall is the focal point of the room.

And there is still enough room to fit in my fireplace, two side chairs and a lot of shelves that provide extra storage.

In this layout, I love that the desk wall is the first thing you see when you walk in, and that it is obviously the focal point.

My only concern is that I have two large computer monitors. Putting them on the sit-stand desk in front of the window may block the view.

2 | Desk facing the door

This office layout is similar but positions the two desks perpendicular to each other. Which gives you lots of room to work.

The writing desk is facing the door with a pair of chairs in front of it. Which is great if you have clients coming in.

And the computer desk is facing the wall. So the monitors aren’t blocking the window or getting too much glare from the window.

There’s still room for my fireplace with the gold etagere shelves on either side.

And it has a bank of bookshelves just inside the door for more storage.

3 | Perpendicular desks

In this room arrangement, the two desks are perpendicular but one is facing the window and the other is facing a wall.

The fireplace has two chairs in front of it and bookshelves on either side, which would be a comfortable place to read.

It is also behind the computer desk so it would make a pretty Zoom backdrop.

This layout leaves lots of room for getting into the closet, which is helpful if you need to take larger items in and out of it.

4 | Desk perpendicular to the window

home office layout with desk perpendicular to the window, a fireplace in front of it, and bookshelves behind it

In this office floor plan, the desk is in the middle of the room perpendicular to the window. Which means you have a great view out without having any distracting glare.

Like the room above, the sit-stand desk is behind the desk, but this time it is facing the wall. A gold etagere shelf on either side helps to balance the room.

On the opposite wall, the fireplace is flanked by two bookshelves. Which makes a pretty wall to look at when sitting at the desk.

The two small chairs in front of the window would be a great place to sit and read a book.

The focal point in this room changes depending on which way you look.

When you first walk in, the focal point is the window wall with the two reading chairs and side view of the desk. When you are sitting at the desk, it is the fireplace.

5 | L-shaped desk facing the door

This office furniture arrangement uses an L-shaped desk that faces the door.

L-shaped desks are on of my favorite configurations because there is so much easy-to-access space to work with.

The wood shelves on either side of the desk give lots of storage.

There’s lots of room for the fireplace with the gold etageres on either side.

But only enough space for one chair because of where the desk is.

That one chair is in a pretty good location between the fireplace and the window.

And the Zoom view from the computer desk is pretty.

6 | Desk And seating area in front of the window

This office setup is similar to an L-shape with the writing desk floating in the middle of the room facing the window.

And the computer desk facing the wall.

That way there’s enough room for a seating area between the writing desk and the window with bookshelves on either side.

This could be used as a reading area or for client meetings (although it’s a little awkward for the latter since they have to walk around your desk).

Since the desk, seating area and shelves are all centered on the window, it creates a strong focal point for the room.

There’s also room for the fireplace / etagere combination on the wall opposite to the computer desk. So you have the pretty Zoom backdrop.

7 | One Desk facing the window

Home office furniture arrangement with desk facing the window, two bookshelves beside it and a fireplace with two chairs behind it

For this furniture layout, I got rid of my existing writing desk. Which opens up the space a bit.

The sit-stand desk with faces the window with the wood bookshelves on either side is the focal point when you first walk in.

On one side of the room, the fireplace is flanked by gold etagere shelves. Which provides a second focal point when you are facing in that direction.

On the other side of the room, two small chairs and a table make the perfect reading nook across from the fireplace.

I love that the room isn’t quite as crowded.

Home office layout with the desk facing the window, bookshelves on either side of it, a sofa and a fireplace behind it

Which would allow me to switch things up.

Like if I wanted to add a sofa instead of the chairs. (And I do love to re-arrange my furniture on a fairly regular basis).

The one drawback is it does feel a bit like a high school dance, with all the furniture pushed up against the walls.

8 | Desk facing the wall

Home office floor plan with the desk facing the wall, two bookshelves beside it and a great zoom backdrop (a fireplace, shelves and chairs) behind it

Similar to the room above, this office layout only has one desk.

But this time, it is facing the wall. So I would definitely need to have some large artwork above it to keep the view interesting.

An etagere on either side provides decorative storage.

On the opposite wall, the fireplace has a shelving unit on either side. And two small chairs in front make it into a reading nook.

It would also make a great looking backdrop for Zoom calls.

This room has two distinct focal points depending on which way you are looking. The desk and etagere shelves on one side. And the fireplace wall on the other.

Well, that’s it for my home office layouts so far. Next up, I’ll be choosing the paint color.

Read the rest of our blue home office makeover posts:

Don’t forget to checkout this week’s makeovers from all the other guest participants on oneroomchallenge.com.

Other home office ideas you might like

Or browse all of our home office design ideas.

Have comments or questions about our home office layouts? Tell us in the section below.

This post was originally published on October 5, 2022 but was updated with new content on January 25, 2024.

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  1. Ann Conklin says:

    I love your use of modern color in decorating. What is the flooring you have in the office?

    1. Wanda Simone says:

      Thanks, Ann! The floor is an engineered hardwood (oak) that I got from Home Depot a few years ago. I believe it is this one.

  2. Hi Wanda,

    I’m chiming in on your f/p. I like the second one. I find it very difficult to have my desk at the window–I spend way too much time looking outside when I should be working, also, the light can, at times be quite overpowering. I also like to have my primary desk situated so I can see the door, if only out of the corner of my eye. Also, your sit/stand desk with your two large monitors will probably feel better if they have a wall behind them rather than a window. Mine don’t touch the wall at all, but should my characters decide to come out of the monitors and start tossing each other around, my monitors won’t fall any farther than the couple of inches to the wall. 😉

    1. Wanda Simone says:

      Thanks for the input, Lenora! Those are all good points. I think you’re right about having the monitors against the wall. Even though they should be securely attached to the desk, I wouldn’t want to take a chance on one accidentally falling off the back and breaking either the monitor or the window.